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Mark your calendar! On Saturday, August 21, from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Kyle Bowlsbey will provide instruction on livestreaming. Participants will be expected to be placed on a schedule for volunteering in the sound booth. Also, volunteers can specify their availability and preferred position, but everyone will be cross-trained on the equipment through this class. The morning session will take place in the fellowship hall for classroom instruction, using PowerPoint and screen sharing on the applications. After lunch, we’ll move to the sanctuary for hands-on training with the equipment.
• Basics to Video Data & Transmission
• Ingest to Edge Delivery
• OBS Video Mixer
• VMix Video Mixer
• GT Title Designer
• ProPresenter
• EasyWorship
• Audio Basics
• X32 Sound Board
Upon completion of the class, participants should be able to design and use graphics in livestream setup, manage and use ProPresenter for video graphics, manage and use VMix for video mixing, and manage audio equipment and use X32 Sound Board. Everyone is encouraged to bring a laptop for streaming or further practice.
Please prayerfully consider serving Jesus through this vital ministry of the church. For questions or more info, contact Kyle Bowlsbey: (985) 215-1637 or bowlsbeyk@gmail.com.

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