Why We Must Pray


Recognize God as your loving, merciful and thoughtful Father.

1.  Recognize God as your loving, merciful and thoughtful Father.


Acknowledge God’s sovereignty over all peoples, nations and spiritual powers throughout all ages past, present and future.

2.  Acknowledge God’s sovereignty over all peoples, nations and spiritual powers throughout all ages past, present and future.


Praise God for his loving-kindness and that His mercies are new every morning.

3.  Praise God for his loving-kindness and that His mercies are new every morning.


Exalt God as holy and set apart above all of creation.  

4.  Exalt God as holy and set apart above all of creation.


Thank God that He hears us when we cry out and sees us when we pray.

5.  Thank God that He hears us when we cry out and sees us when we pray.


Exalt God for being able to do all things.  He is indeed a God with all power and might.

6.  Exalt God for being able to do all things.  He is indeed a God with all power and might.


Thank God for allowing you into His fellowship in prayer.  Knowing that it is through Jesus’ sacrifice that we are able to pray to God.

7.  Thank God for allowing you into His fellowship in prayer.  Knowing that it is through Jesus’ sacrifice that we are able to pray to God.


Thank the Son for His obedience to die.  Thank Him for laying down His life and bearing our sin.

8.  Thank the Son for His obedience to die.  Thank Him for laying down His life and bearing our sin.


Ask the Holy Spirit for His help when you pray.  Ask Him to give you the desires and words you need in prayer.

9.  Ask the Holy Spirit for His help when you pray.  Ask Him to give you the desires and words you need in prayer.


Pray for God’s will in your life above all things.  Ask Him for a desire to do His will.  Acknowledge His right to do as He pleases on earth and in heaven. 

10.  Pray for God’s will in your life above all things.  Ask Him for a desire to do His will.  Acknowledge His right to do as He pleases on earth and in heaven.